
Our Services

Axis provides a variety of services to treat your child as well as provide support for your family as a whole.

Social Skills Groups

ABA Therapy

Speech Therapy

Occupational Therapy

Parent Support Group

Feeding Therapy

Preschool Prep Groups

Creating A Space Where Families Are Welcomed, Valued and Seen.

ABA Therapy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is the only researched-based treatment proven to significantly improve the lives of individuals with autism and other special needs. It does so by dramatically decreasing challenging behaviors while increasing skills needed for effective communication, learning, and everyday living. ABA has the power to change people’s lives!

Our ABA therapy program provides behavioral intervention and treatment in different forms depending upon each child’s and family’s needs. Each child will have an individualized treatment plan with goals created by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) after a detailed assessment has been performed.

Therapy will be implemented through a team-based approach, in which the BCBA and trained Registered Behavior Technicians work together to help each child reach his or her goals. Treatment sessions are conducted in Discrete Trial Training and Natural Environment Training formats and are based upon each child’s individual learning style.

Areas targeted include functional communication and language, visual discrimination, imitation skills, appropriate play skills, self-help skills, potty training, motor skills, pre-academic skills, social skills, appropriate mealtime behaviors, observational learning, generalization, and parent training.

Social Skills Groups

Axis offers social skills groups for ages 5-18. Based on the needs and goals of the participants, social skills groups may focus on: initiating interaction with peers, forming and maintaining friendships, navigating peer relationships, maintaining a conversation, appropriate language and behavior used in social settings, game-play (winning and losing gracefully), collaborative group projects, identifying and managing feelings, recognizing and responding to emotions in others, taking the perspective of others, conflict resolution, anger-management, coping skills, and bullying.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is a field of therapy dedicated to ensuring clients can do the activities they need to do each day as well as the activities which bring their life meaning. In the pediatric setting, these skills include activities of daily living (brushing teeth, brushing hair, daily hygiene) self-dressing skills (fasteners, dressing self, tying shoes), play skills. and academic skills (handwriting, cutting).
Within these areas Occupational Therapists will typically work on activity specific skills as well as foundation skills which include areas such as fine motor strength, coordination, balance, visual perceptual skills, ocular motor skills, sensory processing, executive functioning, cognition, body awareness, and many other areas. Occupational Therapists can work on many different skills and if there are concerns with fine motor skills, coordination, sensory processing, or delays in academic, self-care/self-dressing, and play skills, an Occupational Therapy evaluation may be beneficial to determine if weekly specialized occupational therapy services are warranted.

Feeding Therapy

At Axis, our Occupational therapists offer feeding therapy utilizing the SOS Approach. SOS feeding is the “Sequential Oral Sensory” Approach to feeding therapy and is one of the most well researched methods to tackling difficulties with feeding and mealtimes. While utilizing the steps to feeding, this approach systematically introduces new foods to your child while working on both the sensory processing and the oral motor skills needed to independently participate in self-feeding and mealtime activities.

How do I know if my child needs feeding therapy?

Here are a few red flags that may warrant a feeding evaluation:

  • Difficulty gaining or maintaining weight 
  • Consistent choking, gagging, and/or coughing during meals 
  • Frequent issues with vomiting   
  • Inability to transition to baby food purees by 10-months   
  • Inability to accept any table food solids by 12-months  
  • Refusing entire categories of food groups (i.e., proteins, vegetables, etc.) AND/OR textures (hard foods, purees, etc.)  
  • Almost always requires a different meal at mealtimes than the rest of the family  
  • Less than 20 foods in their repertoire  
  • Frequently gets burned out on foods and “takes a break” from it 

Speech Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy involves the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of communication disorders of all ages. Our Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are educated in the study of human communication, its development, and its disorders. They assess speech, language, cognitive-communication, and oral/feeding/swallowing skills. This lets them identify a problem and the best way to treat it. Specific areas of treatment include expressive and receptive language, articulation, phonological awareness, apraxia of speech, augmentative communication, feeding and swallowing difficulties, and social communication skills.

Preschool Prep Groups

Axis offers preschool readiness groups focusing on critical social skills for ages 2 ½-5 years.  Based on the needs and goals of the participants, groups may focus on:

  • Appropriately Initiating Interaction with Peers 
  • Effective Listening and Communication 
  • Sharing and Offering Toys 
  • Taking Turns 
  • Gross-Motor and Sensory-Motor Play 
  • How To Be A Good Friend
  • Requesting Attention Appropriately 
  • Play Skills Development 
  • Gameplay and Group Games 
  • Identifying and Expressing Feelings to Others 
  • Responding to Emotions in Others 
  • Anger Management 
  • Coping Skills
  • Requesting assistance appropriately 
  • Conflict Resolution 
  • Direction Following 
  • Following One Step and Multi-Step Instructions 
  • Frustration Tolerance 
  • Attention Span 
  • Responding to Name 

Have A Question?

Contact Us Today! A member of our team will discuss your specific situation and help you explore your options.